Dedicated high school students from MCCSC empowering peers to engage with administration, promote clear communication, and participate in district policy.
This website is no longer being updated. It serves as an archive of the site active in Fall 2023. For questions, reach out.
We are a group of high school students across MCCSC with the goal of amplifying and empowering the student body to approach administration in a clear, cohesive manner. We want to encourage and mobilize students to actively participate in district policy. We also keep students as well as the greater Monroe County community informed by providing information about district and school board-related events and updates.
This site is completely student-led and is not affiliated with administration. Read the full disclaimer.
Student representatives from each school meet on a regular basis to discuss topics at hand and coordinate events across schools. This website serves as an information “hub” of sorts, where common details and events are posted.
Each school also has its own branch and page with information which can be accessed at the navigation menu above.
2024-25 School Year
MCCSC High School Schedule Change
A diverse group of parents collaborated to write an open letter to the MCCSC school board. Read and sign it here.
BHSN Faculty worked together to write an open letter to the MCCSC Community. Read it here.
BHSS Faculty worked together to write a letter to Superintendent Dr. Hauswald. The letter collected over 100 signatures before being hand-delivered to the district administration.
What schedules are the schools currently on?
Bloomington North and The Academy of Science and Entrepreneurship are currently on an alternating “block eight” schedule. Students are enrolled in eight classes each semester, with four periods per day, periods 1-4 on “maroon” days and 5-8 on “gold” days, with 80-minute periods, alternating each day all year. North’s daily bell schedule can be viewed here. Not working? Try here.
Bloomington South is currently on a trimester schedule. Students are enrolled in five classes each trimester, for a total of 15 classes. Students attend the same five periods each day. South’s daily bell schedule can be viewed here. Not working? Try here.
Bloomington Graduation School is on a semester schedule with five hour-long periods per day, for a total of ten classes.
Both North and South have enrichment time where students can sign up for additional academic support or extracurriculars: “tutorial” for 37 minutes each day at North, 45 minutes each day at ASE, two tutorials 25 minutes each at BGS, and “panther plus” for 45 minutes each day at South.
Is there a schedule change?
Yes. MCCSC announced on September 25, 2023 that “administration identified disparities and biases that occur because our current high school schedules are not aligned.” The letter went on to say: “we have begun an investigative process to determine how to align our secondary schedules across the district for greater equity and improved continuity.”
Why is there a schedule change?
The official reason for a change is stated in MCCSC’s September 25, 2023 letter (linked below).
Another stated reason from Dr. Hauswald in an interview with The North Star, BHSN’s student-produced newspaper: “He said, ‘Through remote technology, there could be those opportunities for access if you had a common schedule.’ He cited examples such as the offering of AP African American Studies at BHSN which is not an option at South.”
Has this been decided?
What schedule will the schools switch to?
Though no comprehensive schedule plan has been released, MCCSC announced on October 20, 2023 that the new schedule will be a “hybrid block” in which students will be able to be in 8 classes, and a school day will consist of six 60-minute periods. They also promise “intervention time,” though the frequency and length of this time is not mentioned.
Read the full announcement.
What do the superintendent and school board do?
Due to the high school bell schedules being an “operational decision,” the superintendent, Dr. Jeff Hauswald, has full control over it.
The school board is consisted of seven members who are elected by Monroe County community members. Their main purpose is to: 1) hire and evaluate the superintendent; and 2) vote on district-wide policies, financial transactions, and other administrative decisions that require approval from the board.
The only influence the school board has over this decision is that they can “threaten” the superintendent with his job with the board notifying him of “unsatisfactory services.” This is outlined explicitly in MCCSC Policy 1241.
How can I get involved?
Click to get involved!
Photos by Nora Collins